Antique American Sarough ~1890
This antique Sarough Persian rug dates to about 1890 and is one of the few American Sarough rugs we have in our collection...
The American Sarough rugs are actual Sarough Persian rugs made in Iran with the American market in mind and were pioneered by companies like the Ziegler&Co. Starting in the later half of the 19th century, there was a huge demand for fine Persian rugs in Europe and the US, which led several companies to set up offices throughout the carpet weaving regions of Persia and the rest of the carpet weaving parts of central and eastern Asia. This Sarough is an early example of what the Sarough rugs known as American Saroughs are all about.
This Sarough is a great example of what the antique designs and colors were all about and best of all, it is in excellent condition. The small size also ensures that the price is nowhere near the astronomical levels that the larger pieces reach and it is a perfect decor rug. Made with the strength and durability of the Turkish knots, the old Sarough rugs are known for not only lasting many decades, but also maintaining their quality and looks. The pile is made of fine wool and all vegetable dyes while the design is typical for the weavers of central Iran.
Informational Video About This Antique Sarough Rug
If you view this rare antique Sarough rug page on a laptop or desktop, you can see my informative video below, which features this and several other small antique rugs. Due to the number of questions I receive about Persian carpets, I have started my own YouTube channel about Persian rugs and amongst the many videos is this one that features this antique American Sarough Persian rug. As with all of my videos that you see in my website and in our Youtube channel, this video contains NO marketing or sales pitches.
If you are interested in this or other antique Persian rugs, feel free to watch this 15 minute as it contains general information and facts about this and several other small antique carpets.
Topic: Examples of several antique Persian rugs and a brief overview.
For addditional videos about Persian rugs and to learn more about the types, designs and general information, visit our informational pages or our own Youtube channel that is all about Persian rugs. Youtube Channel of
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