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Nain #621992

20% OFF! Save $4,220
13x10 gonbad silk nain persian rug
13x10 gonbad silk nain persian rug
13x10 gonbad silk nain persian rug
13x10 gonbad silk nain persian rug
13x10 gonbad silk nain persian rug
13x10 gonbad silk nain persian rug
13x10 gonbad silk nain persian rug
13x10 gonbad silk nain persian rug
13x10 gonbad silk nain persian rug
13x10 gonbad silk nain persian rug
13x10 gonbad silk nain persian rug
13x10 gonbad silk nain persian rug

Gonbad Nain Persian Rug

Details for Nain Persian Rug #621992

Rug# 621992
Type: IR, Nain
13' 1"x9' 10" | 400x300cm
Quality: 6-Lah ~500KPSI
Pile: Kurkwool & Silk
Foundation: Cotton
Reg. Price $21,099
20% OFF Now only $16,880
NON-US Clients:
20% OFF Now only €15,154

Info for US & Non-US Clients...
*If you are one of our neighbors in the US, all of our rug prices include FREE FedEx ground shipping and fees. Colorado residents needs to add Sales Tax. Please contact us if you have any questions.
**For our clients outside of the US, we offer FREE Global FedEx or UPS shipping to most countries and on most of our carpets. Please note that our international buyers are responsible for any duties and/or taxes. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Showpiece quality Nain rug with a Gonbad design...
The Nain rug features a very fine 6-Lah quality and a variation of the Gonbad design known as Jafari that is hard to find in Persian rugs and amongst the most popular with my clients. With ~500 KPSI and a quality that is both luxurious and designed to be placed in rooms with traffic and furniture, this Nain rug is everything you would expect from a fine high end Persian rug. This light green main color along with the silk highlights are perfect for the Gonbad design and is amongst my most popular choices with our clients. Perfectly suited for both formal and everyday used rooms of a home, our biggest challenge is finding enough high quality Nain rugs that meet our strict guidelines and feature designs like this one.

If you are able to see this rug page in desktop view, you will see my video about Nain rugs below, in which I explain the facts and myths about Nain rugs and cover the Habibian rugs and signatures in great detail. If you own or are looking at buying a Nain rug, I strongly recommend watching the video as it contains lots of actual information and is NOT a marketing video.

Facts about Nain Rugs, Habibian Signatures & Gonbad Design

If you like Nain Persian rugs or are shopping for one, please watch this 23 minute as it contains several important tips such as the different qualities in Nain rugs and the truth about Habibian signatures in Nain rugs.

If you like to learn more about the Gonbad design of this Nain rug and its history, click here:
Guide to the Gonbad Design

For addditional information about Nain rugs, click here:
Nain Persian rugs.

Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Mike Panah, Owner of MPrugs
(719) 896-1327

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