Rare Nain Persian rug with silk added as highlights and a tile design.
This Nain Persian rug features a high end 9-Lah quality and has about 300 KPSI. At first I thought it was an older 6-Lah Nain rug with an unusual design, but upon closer examination, I discovered that it is indeeed a 9-Lah. Unlike most Persian rugs, there are large silk highlights throughout the whole rug and the overall quality is absolutely stunning. It is about 60 years old, but the condition is excellent and even though it is a pre-owned piece, it is a truly exceptional piece.
If you like Nain Persian rugs or are shopping for one, please watch this 23 minute as it contains several important tips.
Topics: The different qualities in Nain rugs and how to identify them
Topics: Habibian Signatures!! Learn the truth about them and see an actual example of one. This is especially important for those of you who already own a Nain rug and are wondering about the signature
For addditional information and to learn more about Nain rugs, click on the link here about Nain Persian rugs.
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