Stunning silk foundation 6-Lah Nain Persian Rug...
This large 12ft by 8ft Nain Persian rug features a silk foundation, which is extremely rare for Nain rugs and is often sold by dealers as a 4-Lah quality Nain rug due to its quality. It is a new Nain rug and to give you an example of how rare the Nain rugs with a silk foundation are, this is only the second one that I have been able to feature in over 20 years in this large size.
It is made in a similar manner as the older famous Habibian 6-Lah pieces back in the old days. The classic design with the light colored background is very much in line with the Nain rugs and the silk is mixed with the fine kurkwool that gives it the soft and yet durable feel that so many of my clients seek in the Nain rugs.
Please note that while this Nain rug is in quality and design very much aligned with the authentic Habibian Nain rugs, it does not feature the fake signature that so many workshop like to add to their high quality Nain rugs. If you are viewing this page in desktop view, you will see the video below that will explain the difference in qualities and some details about the Habibian rugs.
If you like this Nain Persian rug and like to learn more about the Habibian signature that is often found in Nain rugs, watch this video as it contains several important tips.
Topics: Several examples of Nain rugs with the Gonbad design and other rare pieces.
Topics: Habibian Signatures!! Learn the truth about the Habibian masterweaver. This is especially important for those of you who already own a Nain rug and are wondering about the signature.
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