Genuine Semi-Antique Turkish Hereke rug in excellent condition with 10/10 quality.
This small pure silk Turkish Hereke is a genuine Turkish piece and NOT a Chinese copy as I explain in the video below where I show Turkish and Chinese Hereke rugs and point out the differences.
The condition of this semi-antique Turkish Hereke carpet is excellent and is like new even though we estimate that it is about 60 years old based on colors and design. It is a superb piece with a very fine 10/10 quality, meaning that it has 10 knots per centimeter, which comes out to be about 625 kpsi. This piece here was originally purchased by a collector who like most owners displayed it as an artpiece. The light blue color is also a classic sign of the older Hereke rugs and the pictorial Tree-of-Life pattern with the animals and plants is also a great example of the rug weaving culture of the past in Hereke. Perfectly suited for hanging on a wall or displaying as a decor rug, it is simply a beautiful piece that many of my clients who are passionate collectors look for.
Info About REAL vs. FAKE Hereke Rugs
Due to the large number of inquiries I receive about genuine and fake Hereke rugs and the misinformation that are being peddled by online and rug store retailers, I have created my own YouTube channel where I offer factual information for you like the video below that is about Hereke Silk Rugs. You can see the video if you view this rug page on a laptop or desktop.
If you own or are interested in silk Hereke rugs, please watch this video in which I show you real Turkish silk Hereke rugs and the Chinese silk couterparts that are often sold as genuine Turkish rugs. For over 20 years, I have been getting a lot of inquiries about the Hereke rugs and so many have been scammed by the rug dealers in Turkey that I thought I try to show you the difference using actual rugs. Topic #1: The different qualities in Turkish & Chinese Hereke rugs Topic #2: Differences in prices and Signatures!! Learn the truth about them and see an actual example of a signature that was added to a Chinese copy to make it look like a Turkish piece
All Images are Copyright of Mike Panah
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